Pakistan's shadowy Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, or ISI, has been accused before of planning attacks in India and Afghanistan. 巴基斯坦神秘的三军情报局以前就曾被指控策划过在印度和阿富汗的袭击。
A controversial component of the issue is the true role of the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, which is often labeled the "secret government" of Pakistan. 这一问题的一个引发争议的部分是经常被人称为巴基斯坦“秘密政府”的巴基斯坦三军情报局真正在发挥的作用。
The US is concerned that the Inter-Services Intelligence agency knew bin Laden was in Pakistan. 美国担心,巴基斯坦三军情报局(ISI)早就知道拉登藏在巴基斯坦。
She said Pakistani police refused to list the case as abduction, which arose suspicion that the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency of Pakistan was behind the abduction. 她说,巴警方拒绝将此事件按绑架立案,这令人怀疑巴情报部门卷入了这一事件。
He wants to avenge his father, a renegade war hero, who he believes was murdered by the army's Inter-Services Intelligence ( ISI). 他的目的是为死去的父亲复仇,父亲是一位变节的战争英雄,阿里相信他父亲是被军队的三军情报局秘密谋杀的。